The Various

The Various
Par:Steve Augarde
Publié le 2009-04-14 par Yearling

The first novel in a gripping trilogy about 11-year-old Midge and her discovery of the Various, a tribe of fairies whose livelihood and existence is becoming increasingly threatened. A gritty and captivating story of courage and strength against terrible odds, this is the story of Midge, left to stay with her eccentric uncle during the holidays, and her adventures with the Various, a band of fairies. The existence of the Various, who are strange, wild, and sometimes even deadly, has been kept secret since the beginning of time. But when their world begins to clash with the human world, they are threatened with extinction. This wonderfully imaginative story of love and loyalty is the first in a powerful trilogy that readers won’t be able to put down. From the Hardcover edition.

Ce livre a été classé à 25 par Google Books for mot-clé panique chez les sorcieres.

ID de livre de The Various's Les livres sont 2M-wQAKGml4C, Livre écrit parSteve Augardeavec ETAG "e7Hjp6FByK0"

Livre publié par Yearling depuis 2009-04-14 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780375892806 et ISBN 10 Code est 037589280X

Le mode lecture dans l’état du texte est true et le mode lecture dans l’état de l’image true

Livre qui ont "448 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieJuvenile Fiction

Ce livre a été évalué par 6 Les raters et ont un taux moyen à "4.0"

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The Various

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