Ice World

Ice World
Par:Jeff Lowe
Publié le 1996-05-01 par Mountaineers Books

The ultimate volume on ice climbing is finally here! Renowned climbing veteran Jeff Lowe shares his personal stories and professional insight in this comprehensive book, which offers a history of this fascinating sport, and an overview of the world's best ice climbs. Includes detailed, fully-illustrated instructions for mastering both basic and advanced techniques, information on avoiding hazards, and much more. As someone who has spent too much of his ice-climbing time literally quaking in his boots, I've been on the lookout for a book that will help me to minimize my terror and maximize my joy in clawing up frozen waterfalls and steep alpine couloirs. Jeff Lowe's spectacular new book is just what I was searching for. The awe-inspiring photos and thorough how-to text promise to radically decrease my learning curve,| John Harlin, author, The Climber's Guide to North America Please order Ice World from a US supplier if you reside in the USA

Ce livre a été classé à 7 par Google Books for mot-clé les grandes aventures de lalpinisme.

ID de livre de Ice World's Les livres sont xd1sTezKzaYC, Livre écrit parJeff Loweavec ETAG "7MOXD6knliw"

Livre publié par Mountaineers Books depuis 1996-05-01 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780921102465 et ISBN 10 Code est 0921102461

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Livre qui ont "256 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieSnow and ice climbing

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Ice World

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