Handbook on Pcbs in Electrical Equipment

Handbook on Pcbs in Electrical Equipment
Par:M. M. Dillon
Publié le 1988-02-01 par DIANE Publishing

Primarily intended for owners and users of electrical equipment that was designed to contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), this handbook provides background information on PCBs, including Canadian legislation that pertains to them and simple procedures for identifying equipment containing them. Procedures and options for handling and controlling PCBs and PCB equipment are discussed including preventive maintenance, PCB substitutes, containment systems, preparation for storage, and storage. Charts and tables.

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ID de livre de Handbook on Pcbs in Electrical Equipment's Les livres sont 3kJzSzthVkUC, Livre écrit parM. M. Dillonavec ETAG "bhMPg3LTCoE"

Livre publié par DIANE Publishing depuis 1988-02-01 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780788176654 et ISBN 10 Code est 078817665X

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Handbook on Pcbs in Electrical Equipment

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